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The Global Campaign for Schooling!

Good morning!

So, this blog is a way for you guys to get to know us on a more personal level! It will give you a chance to learn about us, speak to us, as well as catching up with everything GCS related! As this is our first blog, we are just going to outline what we do, why we do it and things like that! Enjoy!

The Global Campaign for Schooling, is literally, what it says. We are campaigning about schooling and the material that is taught in Secondary Education. On average, young people spend 35 hours a week in school, as well as all that boring homework that they are given. The things they are taught, however, doesn't particularly benefit them later on in life. Pythag Theorem? Algebra? Terminal Velocity? If students are spending that much time in school, aren't they better off learning things that can come in handy and be useful later on in life, like house mortgages? VAT?

We aim to meet our objectives through completely peaceful means. Presentations, hands on events, raising awareness and in order to do this, we need your support.

While we are here, we may as well tell you a bit about the GCS came about and how we started. Our leader, Susan, worked for years in Secondary Education, as a Science and Math teacher, and throughout her years as a teacher, she realised that the content she taught her pupils was not exactly useful for later on in life. She thought that she could be teaching them things that were going to be much more worthwhile and useful in their futures. Susan did some digging into this and found statistics (see, Science and Math teacher! You have to some evidence and statistics in there somewhere!), and figured out that a lot of other people felt this way. Then Susan went on to take some action against this, and here we are, the GCS, with Susan Curtis as our Campaign Leader!

The next blog will be longer, and a bit more interesting at that! Thank you for taking the time to read and we hope that you would offer us your support!


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